School Food Establishments
- Anasayfa
- School Food Establishments
School Food Establishments
Children spend approximately 6-8 hours of their day at school for education. This means that a portion of their daily energy and nutrient requirements can be met through the mass catering services (such as cafeterias or canteens, etc.) provided at schools.
As a result of technological advancements and the transition from an agricultural society to an industrial society, the consumption of food prepared and planned by others outside of the home is defined as “Mass Catering“.
The percentage of people benefiting from mass catering is increasing day by day, and therefore, the potential risk of foodborne illnesses arising from this can pose public health concerns.
In both public and private schools/institutions under the supervision of our Ministry, students/trainees and staff meet their nutritional needs through food establishments such as dining halls, canteens/cooperatives, cafeterias, buffets, tea house, etc.
In collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, our Ministry takes measures to ensure the acquisition of correct dietary habits, access to safe food, and the establishment of healthy eating environments for students, trainees, and staff in public and private schools and institutions.
- Promoting correct dietary habits for students, trainees, and staff (in food establishments such as canteens/cooperatives, dining halls, cafeterias, buffets, tea house).
- Creating healthy eating environments.
- Establishing hygiene conditions (personnel, equipment, raw materials, environmental hygiene, etc.) necessary for the production of safe food and ensuring access to safe food.
- Eliminating factors that may pose health risks to students, including the food production and service stages.
Safe Food
Food Security: Ensuring the provision of safe and adequate food for people’s healthy nutrition
Food Safety: Taking necessary precautions at every stage of the food chain, from farm to fork, to ensure safe food.
Safe Food: Food that is suitable for human consumption in terms of health and nutrition.
- For safe food;
- Compliance to general and personal hygiene rules,
- Use of appropriate technical equipment, tools, and machinery,
- Access to accurate information sources about food,
- Implementation of pest control measures,
- Effective waste management should be ensured.
- Food safety; in public and private schools/institutions under the Ministry of National Education supervision is regulated by determining the food and beverages that are suitable/not suitable for sale in food establishments such as canteens/cooperatives, cafeterias, buffets, tea houses, based on the criteria set by the Ministry of Health in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health’s Scientific Board.
Hygiene Conditions in School Food Establishments
Canteens, cafeterias, buffets, tea houses, and other food establishments within both public and private schools under our Ministry operate in compliance with specific hygiene regulations. These regulations include the Special Hygiene Rules for School Canteens, which were published in the Official Gazette on 05.02.2013 with the number 28550 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, as well as the Hygiene Training Regulation published in the Official Gazette on 05.07.2013 with the number 28698 by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior, and Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
Furthermore, the Circular issued on 10.11.2020 with the number 2020/8 focuses on the foods to be sold in school canteens and the hygiene inspection of food establishments in educational institutions. According to this Circular, it is necessary to regulate the production and service areas based on the School Inspection Form for Hygiene. These measures aim to ensure the compliance of food sold in school canteens and the hygiene standards of food establishments in educational institutions.
Surfaces should be designed in a way that prevents the accumulation of dirt, the contamination of food with foreign substances, and the formation of condensed liquids or mold. They should be easy to clean, disinfect, and resistant to corrosion.
Floor and Wall Surfaces
Floor and wall surfaces should be sturdy, easy to clean, and capable of being disinfected when necessary. The floors must be suitable for the removal of waste water from the environment.
Ceilings and Ceiling Equipments
Ceilings and ceiling equipment should be installed in a light color that does not cause direct or indirect contamination of food and raw materials due to evaporation and dripping. They should be designed to prevent the accumulation of dirt and the growth of mold, and should be easy to clean. Ceilings should be maintained periodically.
Restrooms should have continuous water supply, be connected to the sewage system, and should not have direct access to areas where food is prepared. Restroom areas should be equipped with liquid soap, hygienic hand drying facilities, and disinfectant dispensers. Hygiene mats should be placed at restroom exits.
Staff Changing Rooms
Staff social areas should be separate from food production and sales areas. Changing areas should be provided for staff members to change their clothes. Changing cabinets should be available for storing work and outdoor clothes separately.
Hand Washing Basins
The workplace should have an appropriate number of clean, sturdy, and functional handwashing basins in suitable locations. Utensils used in food processes should not be washed in handwashing basins. Depending on the nature of the work, cold and hot water connections should be available.
Ventilation systems should be designed to remove smoke, odors, fumes, and vapor, preserve heat, and prevent the entry of dust, dirt, and pests. Ventilation openings should be easily removable and cleaned periodically. Airflow from an unclean area to a clean area should be prevented. Air from cooking and steam-heating equipment should be expelled from the workplace environment.
The establishment should be naturally or artificially illuminated to an equivalent level of daylight. Lighting fixtures should be protected with covers or guards to prevent possible hazards and breakage. The guards should be non-contaminating and easy to clean.
Storage of Cleaning and Disinfection Materials
Cleaning tools, cleaning agents, and disinfectants should be stored in appropriate enclosed and locked areas outside of food storage areas. These areas should be constructed with corrosion-resistant materials and be easily cleanable. Containers containing cleaning and disinfection materials should be clearly labeled in an easily understandable way.
Water Used
Continuous access to drinking-quality hot and cold water should be available in food establishments. Ice and steam should be produced from “drinkable quality water”. Water tanks should be made of materials suitable for food contact and human health. Ice machines and water storage tanks should be cleaned and disinfected at regular intervals.
Waste Water Discharge Systems
The waste water and sewage system should be designed and installed in a way that prevents contamination of food and humans. All drain covers should be closed and removable for easy cleaning. Holes on drain covers should be reliable, cleanable, and disinfectable, preventing the entry of pests and rodents, the spread of odors, and the backflow of waste liquids.
Staff Training
School food establishment personnel undergo training in accordance with the Hygiene Training Regulation numbered 28698, dated 05.07.2013, by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior, and Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
Personnel are required to complete the hygiene training course program provided by the General Directorate of Lifelong Learning of the Ministry of National Education for workers in the food and water sectors.
The “Participation Certificates” obtained from these courses should be available in the establishment.